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About Us

Our Baby Care was born from Acceptance; it took time and life lessons to discover our true purpose. Rachel, after successful career in the art world, returned to her roots, while Revi pursued her dream of proceeding her maternity care career in Israel. With a touch of Dutch influence and culture, our postpartum care reflects a commitment to starting parenthood in an optimal environment, ultimately reducing challenges and costs. We believe maternity care should be state-funded in Israel, like in the Netherlands, ensuring every family has a smooth beginning. Our Baby Care is inclusive, catering to all family types, including single parents and same-sex families. While we've minimized the use of the term "aternity," some services include physical check-ups for mothers.
A bit about Rachel:

Rachel Meijler, Amsterdam- The Netherlands, 1974. Mother of two, grandmother of five, married to a patient man and proud member of a modern family. Educated Maternity care/Kraamzorg by LOI 2004
A bit about Revi:

Revi Vegter, Meppel - The Netherlands, 1985. A real mix of Chilbe & Gouda Cheese.
Graduated Health care education with specialization in maternity care. Worked for 6 years as a maternity nurse in The Netherlands.
Married with a loving husband and living in Tel Aviv with our 2 furry 4 legged kids.
Our Baby Care Vision:

Our plan is to bring in more caregivers and hopefully convince insurance companies, the huge benefit our our service, what works in the Netherlands should work here as well!
Our Baby Care Philosophy:

The creation of a new baby is nothing short of a miracle, given its complexity. While this miracle is meant to bring us joy, there are moments when the overwhelming demands and lack of sleep can turn that joy into something quite the opposite. "I vividly recall waking up one morning in the living room with my two-week-old firstborn still nursing, feeling utterly exhausted and lost, ashamed that I wasn’t filled with happiness." Rachel
Having witnessed so many of such experiences, we vowed to help other women to be better prepared, offer a warm environment to learn and help each new father and mother become the parent they alway wanted to be.

“I would recommend Rachel as a maternity care giver to anyone. She was a powerful and essential component in five of the most important, transforming days of my life.” Dana G.

“Thanks to Rachel's love, encouragement and skills we had a truly amazing time starting our new family”. Aviad & Gil
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